There seems to be lots of new happenings around the globe. We all are aware of it and have sensed the changes. We are now a new team with new zeal and honest ideas for providing with the best possible academic atmosphere, keeping pace with the latest competitive era, merging new ideas with new outlook and vision. We are out to win new friends. But we shall choose people of substance, of character and of positive mind to associate even if it means walking a few extra miles, to change things for better prospects.
Change is painful, we all instinctively avoid it. But they are the unhappy people who most fear changes. We are sure; the change that is happening is a welcoming one. We are committed to it.
To achieve all this we would not to go alone. We want all our friends to come together to share the passion and to build a new forum based on right principle towards our goal......
Being the most expected school with all terms and conditions followed will be affiliated in no time to C.B.S.E. Authorities. It is the most prestigious institute of entire Nagaon District which is affiliated to CBSE Delhi. The school has strived for every academic excellence. It is expected that with the proper infrastructure, it is going to fulfill the aspiration of the parents in a judicious way with knowledge of Indian Tradition and Culture by setting several mile stones both in Academic and Non Academic areas.
Message From Principal

Welcome to official website of Sandipani Vidya Mandir (SVM) Nagaon, Assam a co-educational CBSE affiliated school edeavoured for quality education in the region. The school is determined to provide academic excellence through innovation and creativity. A comprehensive educational policy has been adopted by the management of the school by incorporating a good pedagogy based on moral values for social and personal growth. Along with the academic excellence, SVM also promotes values, soft skill developments, leadership training, the art of self governance; crisis management and ICT use in day to day life to inter connect the world. Promotion of ethnic and Indian culture remains an integrated part of SVM. A strong and determined management, dedicated staff, encouraged students and co-operative parents and guardians remain the backbone of the school.
We look forward for your support, co-operation and blessings.
(M.A. B.Ed.)